Here is a list of things that should be taken into account when you are setting up an installation and expect it to run unattended for long periods of time.
Disable the screen saver and power saving
Since the input system used by LUMOplay doesn't typically use the mouse, Windows will eventually go idle if you don't disable the screensavers and the power saving.
In the Screen Saver Settings, ensure that it is set to (None).
In Power & sleep settings make sure both of these options are set to Never.
Schedule a system reset
Your Windows system shouldn't run forever and will eventually run into problems if you try and let it. Schedule a regular restart of the computer to make sure that it's running as cleanly as possible. We find it best to restart the system in the off hours and to do so once a day. You can find instructions on setting this up here.
Set up automatic login
If your computer is restarting regularly, you don't want it to get stuck at the Windows login screen. Set it up to automatically log in the necessary user. Here are instructions for Windows 10 and Windows 11.
Set LUMOplay to start with Windows
Once Windows is loaded, you want your unattended installation to get right to the point and start up LUMOplay. You just need to enable Start with Windows and Resume Last App in LUMOplay's advanced settings. This will make sure that your apps start playing without you having to do anything.
Make sure Remote Management is enabled
This isn't a definite requirement, but if you are looking to remotely control this installation from our online dashboard then make sure you turn on Remote Management in the LUMOplay software. You can find the control for this near the bottom left of the LUMOplay interface.
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