When you're running a playlist with multiple apps, there is a short loading screen between each app. You can change the appearance of the loading screen to hide the LUMOplay logo, or to add your company's logo instead.
Check out the video below or follow the step by step written guide to learn how you can customize the loading screen image in your LUMOplay installations.
1. Launch LUMOplay, click on the menu button in the top right-hand corner, and select Preferences.
2. Select APPS.
3. Choose your preferred Loading screen style.
Logo - LUMOplay Logo
Spinner - Generic animated loading spinner
Blank - No image
Custom - Your custom image
4. To add your logo, select Custom and choose a png file that is 1080 x 1080 px. You can use different sizes and resolutions, but the feature is optimized for this size.
5. Change the background color by entering a hex code.
6. Click Done.
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