Playlists are a feature available in LUMO Playground, and LUMO Playmaker.
Local playlists are build & scheduled from LUMOplay Desktop Software. To add or remove games to local playlists, you must have direct access to the software.
Local playlists will work online and offline, but if you are offline you will only be able to play the games that you have previously downloaded.
How to build a playlist:
1. Open LUMOplay.
2. Click the "New Playlist" button to make a new playlist and give it a name.
3. Open Games, and select which games you want to add to your playlist. Drag and drop those games to the playlist name that you just created in the side menu.
4. Click on the name of the playlist you just created, (ours was called “Wall Games”), and you will see the games that you dragged into the playlist.
5. Adjust the amount of time that each game will play for before moving onto the next game.
6. Press "Play Now" to launch the playlist.
Control your games with Now Playing
After you start playing a game, control it with Now Playing at the bottom of the app.
Stop [ESC]
Stops the game and closes the game window.
Previous [Left arrow] / Skip [Right arrow]
Shuffles the playlist.
Runs through the playlist in random order, continues on like this forever. -
Loops the playlist.
Runs through the playlist in chronological order, once it reaches the end it returns to the beginning and continues on forever. -
Repeats a game forever.
Game Gallery. [Beta feature]
Only available when playing a playlist containing at least 2 games. Shows an interactive menu between games to allow players to choose the next game.
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