- Rolls back the Advanced RealSense controls added in 4.0.12 due to a potentially critical bug in a third-party dependency.
- Several users have been reporting crashes when using the RealSense D400 series cameras since 4.0.12 was released
- We have tracked the cause of these bugs to a possible bug in the underlying RealSense SDK and/or .NET wrapper library
- We are currently working on the problem with Intel and hope to have the issues resolved and this feature re-enabled ASAP
- In the meantime, if you need to make low-level changes to the RealSense (e.g. adjust the laser power or exposure to improve sensitivity) please download the Intel RealSenseViewer application, available from Intel's GitHub page here.
- To adjust the exposure and laser power for the 3D-sensing portion of the RealSense, make sure Lumo Play is not running, and launch RealSenseViewer.exe. Expand the "Stereo Module" section on the left, and its "Controls" section:
Hotfix 1
- Fixes an introduced bug that could cause distortion when editing the camera alignment in Wall Ball setups
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